gcloud CLI commands Cheatsheet
This Article consists of gcloud commands which can be handy when working on google cloud shell to manage/automate the infrastructure components. Official documentation can be found at gcloud official doc
All the feedbacks and suggestions are most welocome.
Get going with the gcloud
Initialize, authorize, and configure gcloud
gcloud init
Display version + installed components
gcloud version
Install specific components
gcloud components install COMPONENT_NAME
Update your Cloud SDK to the latest version
gcloud components update
Set a default Google Cloud project to work on
gcloud config set project
Display current gcloud environment details
gcloud info * For apt-get and yum, see https://cloud.google.com/sdk/install
Google Compute Engine commands
List zones in Region:
gcloud compute zones list | grep us-central1
Set default zone for new vm:
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-c
To create a new VM:
gcloud compute instances create "my-vm-2" \ --machine-type "n1-standard-1" \ --image-project "debian-cloud" \ --image-family "debian-10" \ --subnet "default"
To create a Cloud Storage Bucket:
gsutil mb -l US gs://$PROJECT_ID
To list the items in Cloud Storage Bucket:
gsutil ls gs://$PROJECT_ID
To list the set project property in the core section:
gcloud config list $PROJECT_ID
To list gcloud named configurations:
gcloud config configurations list
To create a new named configuration:
gcloud config configurations create my-second-config
To activate sepcific named configuration:
gcloud config configurations activate my-default-configuration
To list the properties of the specified section using the active configuration:
gcloud config list
To see your currently available accounts used for
authentication:gcloud config list account
To describe a named configuration by listing its properties:
gcloud config configurations describe my-second-configuration
To display all Compute Engine instances in a project:
gcloud compute instances list
To create Compute Engine virtual machine instances:
gcloud compute instances create
To display all data associated with a Compute Engine virtual machine instance:
gcloud compute instances describe my-first-instance-from-gcloud
To delete Compute Engine virtual machine instances:
gcloud compute instances delete my-first-instance-from-gcloud
To display all Google Compute Engine zones in a project:
gcloud compute zones list
To display all Google Compute Engine regions in a project:
gcloud compute regions list
To display all Google Compute Engine machine types in a project:
gcloud compute machine-types list
To display all Google Compute Engine machine types in Zone
:gcloud compute machine-types list --filter zone:asia-southeast2-b
To filter the Google Compute Engine machine types in multiple zones:
gcloud compute machine-types list --filter "zone:(asia-southeast2-b asia-southeast2-c)"
To display all data associated with a Compute Engine region:
gcloud compute regions describe $REGION
To list Google Compute Engine instance templates:
gcloud compute instance-templates list
To create a Compute Engine virtual machine instance template:
gcloud compute instance-templates create instance-template-from-command-line
To delete one or more Compute Engine virtual machine instance templates:
gcloud compute instance-templates delete instance-template-from-command-line
To display all data associated with a Google Compute Engine virtual machine instance template:
gcloud compute instance-templates describe my-instance-template-with-custom-image
To list Google Compute Engine managed instance groups:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed list
To delete Compute Engine managed instance groups:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete my-managed-instance-group
To create a Compute Engine managed instance group:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed create my-mig --zone us-central1-a --template my-instance-template \ --size 1
To set autoscaling parameters of a managed instance group:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling my-mig --max-num-replicas=2 --zone us-central1-a
To stop autoscaling a managed instance group:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed stop-autoscaling my-mig --zone us-central1-a
To set managed instance group size:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed resize my-mig --size=1 --zone=us-central1-a
To recreate instances managed by a managed instance group:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed recreate-instances my-mig --instances=my-mig-85fb --zone us-central1-a
To delete Compute Engine managed instance groups:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete my-managed-instance-group --region=us-central1
Troubleshooting instance ssh issue
recommendations, rerun the ssh command with the --troubleshoot option.
gcloud compute ssh instance-1 --project=smitis-dev --zone=us-central1-a --troubleshoot
Or, to investigate an IAP tunneling issue:
gcloud compute ssh instance-1 --project=smitis-dev --zone=us-central1-a --troubleshoot --tunnel-through-iap
Google App Engine commands
- cd default-service
- gcloud app deploy
- gcloud app services list
- gcloud app versions list
- gcloud app instances list
- gcloud app deploy --version=v2
- gcloud app versions list
- gcloud app versions list --hide-no-traffic ==> DO not show version receiving no traffic.
- gcloud app browse
- gcloud app browse --version 20210215t072907
- gcloud app deploy --version=v3 --no-promote
- gcloud app browse --version v3
- gcloud app services set-traffic split=v3=.5,v2=.5
- gcloud app services set-traffic splits=v3=.5,v2=.5
- watch curl https://melodic-furnace-304906.uc.r.appspot.com/
- gcloud app services set-traffic --splits=v3=.5,v2=.5 --split-by=random
- cd ../my-first-service/
- gcloud app deploy
- gcloud app browse --service=my-first-service
- gcloud app services list
- gcloud app regions list
- gcloud app browse --service=my-first-service --version=20210215t075851
- gcloud app browse --version=v2
- gcloud app open-console --version=v2
- gcloud app versions list --hide-no-traffic
Google Kubernetes Engine commands
- gcloud config set project my-kubernetes-project-304910
- gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-cluster --zone us-central1-c --project my-kubernetes-project-304910
- kubectl create deployment hello-world-rest-api --image=in28min/hello-world-rest-api:0.0.1.RELEASE
- kubectl get deployment
- kubectl expose deployment hello-world-rest-api --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080
- kubectl get services
- kubectl get services --watch
- curl
- kubectl scale deployment hello-world-rest-api --replicas=3
- gcloud container clusters resize my-cluster --node-pool default-pool --num-nodes=2 --zone=us-central1-c
- kubectl autoscale deployment hello-world-rest-api --max=4 --cpu-percent=70
- kubectl get hpa
- kubectl create configmap hello-world-config --from-literal=RDS_DB_NAME=todos
- kubectl get configmap
- kubectl describe configmap hello-world-config
- kubectl create secret generic hello-world-secrets-1 --from-literal=RDS_PASSWORD=dummytodos
- kubectl get secret
- kubectl describe secret hello-world-secrets-1
- kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
- gcloud container node-pools list --zone=us-central1-c --cluster=my-cluster
- kubectl get pods -o wide
- kubectl set image deployment hello-world-rest-api hello-world-rest-api=in28min/hello-world-rest-api:0.0.2.RELEASE
- kubectl get services
- kubectl get replicasets
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl delete pod hello-world-rest-api-58dc9d7fcc-8pv7r
- kubectl scale deployment hello-world-rest-api --replicas=1
- kubectl get replicasets
- gcloud projects list
- kubectl delete service hello-world-rest-api
- kubectl delete deployment hello-world-rest-api
- gcloud container clusters delete my-cluster --zone us-central1-c
kubectl create deployment hello-world-rest-api --image=in28min/hello-world-rest-api:0.0.1.RELEASE
Create GKE cluster using below gcloud command:
gcloud beta container clusters create test-cluster-1 \ --zone=us-central1-a \ --num-nodes=3 \ --machine-type=n1-standard-1 \ --disk-size=100 \ --disk-type=pd-standard \ --image-type=COS \ --enable-autorepair \ --enable-autoupgrade \ --enable-autoscaling \ --max-nodes=3 \ --min-nodes=0
Google IAM commands
- gcloud compute project-info describe
- gcloud auth list
- gcloud projects get-iam-policy glowing-furnace-304608
- gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding glowing-furnace-304608 --member=user:in28minutes@gmail.com --role=roles/storage.objectAdmin
- gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding glowing-furnace-304608 --member=user:in28minutes@gmail.com --role=roles/storage.objectAdmin
- gcloud iam roles describe roles/storage.objectAdmin
- gcloud iam roles copy --source=roles/storage.objectAdmin --destination=my.custom.role --dest-project=glowing-furnace-304608
Cloud SQL
- gcloud sql connect my-first-cloud-sql-instance --user=root --quiet
- gcloud config set project glowing-furnace-304608
- gcloud sql connect my-first-cloud-sql-instance --user=root --quiet
- use todos
- create table user (id integer, username varchar(30) );
- describe user;
- insert into user values (1, 'Ranga');
- select * from user
Cloud BigTable
- bq show bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare
- gcloud --version
- cbt listinstances -project=glowing-furnace-304608
- echo project = glowing-furnace-304608 > ~/.cbtrc
- cat ~/.cbtrc
- cbt listinstances
- gcloud config set project glowing-furnace-304608
- gcloud pubsub topics create topic-from-gcloud
- gcloud pubsub subscriptions create subscription-gcloud-1 --topic=topic-from-gcloud
- gcloud pubsub subscriptions create subscription-gcloud-2 --topic=topic-from-gcloud
- gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull subscription-gcloud-2
- gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull subscription-gcloud-1
- gcloud pubsub topics publish topic-from-gcloud --message="My First Message"
- gcloud pubsub topics publish topic-from-gcloud --message="My Second Message"
- gcloud pubsub topics publish topic-from-gcloud --message="My Third Message"
- gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull subscription-gcloud-1 --auto-ack
- gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull subscription-gcloud-2 --auto-ack
- gcloud pubsub topics list
- gcloud pubsub topics delete topic-from-gcloud
- gcloud pubsub topics list-subscriptions my-first-topic
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